There is more to life than Pizza

I originally had a "slogan" for my site that was something like "Thoughts about Drupal and Doing Business on the Web." OK, but nothing to write home about. Then I thought of this one: Because there's more to life than pizza. Of course this is a reference to my New York Pizza Blog and the New York Pizza Finder. It really is a much clearer picture of why I'm doing this blog. I have really struggled with coming up with new things to say about New York Style Pizza. I've made up my mind about what makes good pizza and there are a lot of people with other opinions. I'm not going to argue about it, but I have made up my mind and I'm not interested in learning anything new. When it comes to the Web, however, and in particular tools like Drupal and SharePoint and even ProStores, I'm learning something new every day and there is plenty to share. In Drupal, sometimes even the simplest thing can take you a number of clicks and travelling to various places. To change my slogan, I go to Site Configuration / Site Information (admin/settings/site-information) and type in the slogan. Then, to make the slogan visible, I go to Site Building / Site Themes(admin/build/themes), I choose my theme (Chameleon) and click Configure, then I click on the check box to make it visible. So yes, Virginia, there is more to life than Pizza.

About the Author:

Tom Sliker

President / CEO / Lead Consultant

Tom Sliker serves as the ringleader for the Broadstreet team and has managed to build a diverse, talented, multi-faceted team that has performed a wide range of projects.   With over 30 years of software development and integration experience, Tom brings a wealth of technical and business knowledge to his customers and his team.