ProStores and eBay Stores Integration

One of the things that ProStores uses as a selling point is their integration with eBay. I was telling someone recently that I wasn't happy with the integration, and they pressed me for details and I couldn't remember. So I did a little research and refreshed my memory... On the issue of eBay Stores integration, here are some facts to consider: - You can import products from eBay, but the data will need to be "enhanced" once it's in ProStores. There are fields in ProStores that don't exist in eBay (such as Short Description). - Once products are in ProStores, ProStores will be your master file. You can then choose to "push" items to your eBay store. Setting up your eBay "listing templates" will take some effort on your part. - If you want to have "one of a kind" items for sale on both eBay and ProStores, you will need to have Inventory turned OFF. If you turn inventory ON, the item will disappear from your ProStore once it's listed on eBay. - As long as you publish products from ProStores to eBay, items will be removed from ProStores when sold on eBay. - You can use "Checkout Redirect" to have eBay customers directed to your ProStore. This allows them to purchase more products from you. If you use this approach you pay eBay fees and the customer gets two emails, one from ProStores and one from eBay. - When using Checkout Redirect, the ProStores treats the transaction just like any other store transaction (other than having to pay eBay listing fees for the item.) - Shipping Status and Paid Status are updated in ProStores and the data is passed to eBay. If you update the info in eBay, it will NOT go back to ProStores. - If you use TurboLister or other external source for listing products, ProStores is "unaware" of the eBay listing. All connectivity is lost. (FYI-- this was the problem I had with a previous customer who insisted on using TurboLister.) As you can see, there is some integration, but not quite what one would hope for or expect.

About the Author:

Tom Sliker

President / CEO / Lead Consultant

Tom Sliker serves as the ringleader for the Broadstreet team and has managed to build a diverse, talented, multi-faceted team that has performed a wide range of projects.   With over 30 years of software development and integration experience, Tom brings a wealth of technical and business knowledge to his customers and his team.