Online Security

I've become more and more comfortable putting important personal and business information on Google Apps.  It's very convenient to create a document and share it with my wife or other associates of Broadstreet Consulting.  More and more, when I need to create a document that is to be shared, I will create it with Google Docs and then share it. 

I had a phone call today that a site that I support was not available and their was a very strange home page. After doing a research, it appears to me that iSKORPiTX; does this sort of thing from time to time, every 3-6 months or so. I found one place where someone said he attacked over 20,000 sites in under 24 hours. So what does he do?

I woke up this morning to see 20 comments on two different blog posts, most of them posting a link to see Lindsay Lohan nude. I installed the Drupal Captcha module and configured it to hopefully prevent any more spam. A couple notes about getting this right. For me, the default font was unacceptably hard to read. I had to install additional True-type fonts by creating a fonts folder under the modules/captcha/image_captcha folder and copying in a number of fonts. I used the "liberation fonts" that I had downloaded previously.