Duct Tape Marketing Podcast with Seth Godin

The January 14 episode (click to download) of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast had an excellent interview with Seth Godin, talking about the opportunities for small businesses and individuals in the current economic climate.   As usual, Seth motivated me, and as a result, I am blogging again. 

I think the best kind of motivation is the the one that spurs great ideas, but the one that gets you to turn off the mp3 player and take some action. 

If you haven't yet subscribed to Seth's blog, do so right away.  He has several small posts per week, and most of them will get you thinking about the right things, and more importantly, they will often spur you to action. 

Click here to visit Seth's Blog.

About the Author:

Tom Sliker

President / CEO / Lead Consultant

Tom Sliker serves as the ringleader for the Broadstreet team and has managed to build a diverse, talented, multi-faceted team that has performed a wide range of projects.   With over 30 years of software development and integration experience, Tom brings a wealth of technical and business knowledge to his customers and his team.