Broadstreet 2010 in Review

Seth Godin had a good post called "What did you ship in 2010?", which listed out all his accomplishments for 2010 and asked readers to think about our own.  Read it at Seth's Blog.

Sometimes we get caught up in the daily busy-ness of business and don't take a breather to see what we've accomplished.   Well, here's a list of things we've done  Broadstreet Consulting, 2010.

On a personal note, it's been a year of wins and losses.

  • I lost my Dad at age 79, who was always a good friend and supporter, and my favorite golf partner.
  • I've seen my youngest daughter complete her first year of college with excellent grades, and make some great decisions along the way.
  • I've seen my son earn his college degree and demonstrate amazing talent in music, art, and Web design.
  • I've seen my oldest graduate from Law School at the top of her class, and demonstrate a servant's heart and a mother's heart with consistency and grace. 

All in all, it's been a year to remember, and 2011 is shaping up to be even more memorable.

About the Author:

Tom Sliker

President / CEO / Lead Consultant

Tom Sliker serves as the ringleader for the Broadstreet team and has managed to build a diverse, talented, multi-faceted team that has performed a wide range of projects.   With over 30 years of software development and integration experience, Tom brings a wealth of technical and business knowledge to his customers and his team.