Google Analytics

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google's popular web analytics platform. It's packed with new features and improvements, making it more powerful. 

Keeping up with Google’s changes is an ongoing challenge, but switching to GA4 is going to have an impact on virtually every small business.

Broadstreet is one by one upgrading our clients to Google Analytics 4.  

In the short term, this is a challenging process, but in the long term our clients will be better equipped for the Analytics of the future, and by converting early they will have more GA4 data available when the old Universal Analytics expires. 

The current version of Google Analytics, called Universal Analytics, is scheduled to stop processing new requests on July 1, 2023.  

One of Google Analytics 4's most notable features that we discovered is its focus on user engagement. 

With GA4, you can see not only how many people visit your website, but also how long they stay and what they do while they're there.

This information can be extremely valuable in understanding your audience and tailoring your content to them.