Why We're Kinda Into Using Viral Content Buzz for Social Sharing

When I first heard about Viral Content Buzz, a tool to "have your content shared by influencers for free!" of course I was skeptical.

There are countless tools that claim to help you get your content seen or claim to be free, but end up being a complete waste of time.

Viral Content Buzz, however, impressed me a little. I like it.

What is it?

The concept of VCB is that you share other people’s posts on your social media accounts, collect points, and then use those points to submit your own posts to be shared by others.

The more posts you share, the more credits you gather, the more opportunities for you to create your own posts and have them shared.

You can connect various social media accounts with the service, including Twitter (up to 5 Twitter accounts), Facebook profile, Facebook pages, Pinterest, Google+, and StumbleUpon.

What We Like About It

  1. When you log in and go to the dashboard, you automatically see a ton of interesting posts, and you can narrow them down based on niches such as "Art," "Blogging Tips," and "Copywriting." As a social media marketer, I'm always looking for great posts to share. VCB is a good place to go for just that alone.
  2. It makes social sharing very easy. If I see a post that would be great for one client, it's easy to pick which profile I want that post to go to. I don't find myself accidently sharing it for the wrong client.
  3. You can schedule shares. I've never been able to do this, using Tweetdeck you can't schedule when you want to retweet something very easily. VCB let's you.
  4. You get your posts noticed. I'll admit, our first try we didn't get that many shares. 3 total shares for our one post. But that's 3 more than usual, and I'll take it.

How To Avoid Being Spammy

If you've been in the world of social media marketing long enough, tools like this have red flags everywhere. If you put a few simple rules in place you will get the most out of this tool:

  1. Read the articles you are sharing on social media. Don't let yourself spam your followers because you want just 10 more points. Make sure you're sharing relevant content to your business.
  2. Share content on the most relevant networks. You can share on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Stumbleupon. Make sure you are sharing content that is relevant to your followers on these networks. If you don’t you risk loosing your own following.
  3.  Thank people who share your content. Go out of your way to thank the people who are sharing your posts from Viral Content Buzz. Try to make a personal connection with them and you will buildnew relationships with content creators.