Omega vs. Bootstrap

I have done a lot of Drupal theming with Omega 3, and I have been trying to figure out a way to have my themes look good after an install without much customization. Also, I want my features to come themed, such as some views, or slideshows, etc. Then I realized someone has already done this. Its called Bootstrap 3. I love the way the grid works, to me it is better then the Omega grid. I often had trouble trying to put grids inside of grids and so on, but with Bootstrap it is a peice of cake. Also, the documentation for Bootstrap is really good. So if I want to make a change with a Bootstrap site, I go look at the documentation first and usually there is a class made for that already. I have a few features, and before, I would install them, then theme them. This doesn't make sense to do this, but I was so inconsistent with my different themes there was no way to have them look good out of the box. Now, I can add Bootstrap classes to them and I know they are going to look good. A few modules that really are needed to get the most out of Bootstrap is "views responsive grid" and "block class" Views responsive grid allows you to assign "col-sm-4" type stylings to your grid, and block class allows you to add classes to your block. Panels is great to have as well. I used a 1 column panel layout with the class "row" and was able to do whatever grid I wanted with minipanels. So if you can't tell by now, Bootstrap is a much better responsive theme for me.

About the Author:

Tommy Sliker

Web Developer

Tommy Sliker, aka Mirakolous, is a creative mastermind, Drupal Front End guru, and a contributor to Drupal Core. He has been producing his own music since he was twelve years old, and has a wide breadth of creative skills including photography, video production, and graphic design.

In addition to his Web work, Tommy's passions include music production, drums, guitar, photography,