February 2018

We are proud to announce that we are a Google Partner for a fourth year specializing in Google Search Advertising.

This Google Partner badge recognizes that Broadstreet Consulting has demonstrated expertise and sustained client performance in search advertising. Partners evaluates our AdWords manager account to determine whether our company meets the requirements of overall spend, company performance and AdWords certified, meaning we have passed multiple AdWords exams. These exams must be taken annually. 

Partners assesses our AdWords manager account to determine whether our company meets the performance requirement. To fulfill the company performance requirement, the following items must be met:


Getting Started, Unfortunately, Isn't The Hardest Part of Running A Facebook Campaign. Here Are Some Tough Questions Answered.

Are you a business owner who is finally starting to come around to the idea of using Facebook and social media for business marketing purposes? Or maybe your an employee who's been assigned this daunting task?

Because of how standard and easy facebook is for personal use, it's very common to attempt to manage your business account on your own. And it's very possible. But you have to be the type of motivated owner or employee who is willing to spend "down time" learning and improving your account, or everything you do will be for nothing. Just like AdWords, Facebook is a platform where it can be very easy to waste time and money if you don't know what you're doing.

Broadstreet Consulting has been helping businesses with social media marketing for over 5 years, and we can help you get started. Schedule a free consultation today or read the answers to our most common FAQ's below.