Google AdWords

After months of preparation, on March 1 we took a new client live on Google AdWords. After 2 weeks, they called us and asked us to almost double the budget. 

According to the business manager, this business had already made enough money to cover their AdWords expense. To him, it was clear to see they had been wasting years and tons of money on Yellow Pages.  For years, YP.COM had been spending some money on AdWords with very little results and no transparency to what they were doing or what it cost.

Related: 5 Costly Mistakes When Using Google Adwords - And How To Avoid Making Them


What we did:

Google Adwords has become one of the biggest assets for some of our clients, driving sales and phone calls instantly. It has become one of the most effective ways for some of our clients to advertise, targeting exactly who they want to target and getting the most out of their ad budget.

Related: Immediate Success in Google Adwords


But we know, having used Adwords for years, that it can be expensive if not handled correctly, and almost all small businesses make costly mistakes when they start using AdWords.

This is because the AdWords system penalizes you for mistakes you do not even know you are making. In some cases, AdWords even encourages these mistakes. The trick is to manage campaigns to get the highest return on investment.

A poorly managed Adwords account can cost more than it brings in, but a well managed accout can not only keep your company in business, but keep it growing.

In this post, we’ll discuss the 5 easiest mistakes to make with Google AdWords, and how to avoid them.